Find the golf event planning resources you need below.
Resource Center
The Complete Golf Tournament Planning Experience
Promote your tournament through your own website, register players, collect donations, gather sponsors, and much more.
Tasklist_and_Timeline (PDF)
Use this timeline to keep your event planning on track and organized.
Timeline: One Year to Plan (PDF)
Use this timeline as a guide if you have one year to plan your golf event.
Timeline: Six Months to Plan (PDF)
Use this timeline as a guide if you have six months to plan your golf event.
Timeline: Three Months to Plan (PDF)
Use this timeline as a guide if you have three months to plan your golf event.
Sample Solicitation Letter (PDF)
This solicitation letter sample will help you to understand what you need to include in your letters to your sponsors.
Alpha List (PDF)
Print out this Alpha list template to manually fill in your names.
Budget (PDF)
Use this example budget to keep track of income and expenses.
Contests and Events (PDF)
Get inspired with this list of contest and event options for your tournament.
Timeline (PDF)
Use this comprehensive timeline to get an idea of how to layout your event planning from start to finish.
Pairing List (PDF)
Print out this pairing list to fill it in manually. Or, go to golfdigestplanner.com to get an account and have your pairing list digitally filled for you automatically.
Silent Auction Sample Item List (PDF)
Use this sample item list as a template for your excel spreadsheet, or print it out to manually keep track of your items.
Silent Auction Tracking Sheet (PDF)
Refer to this silent auction item list to get you an idea of what sort of items you will want to auction off, what prices to expect, and how to track your profits on the item.
Silent Auction Bid Sheet (PDF)
Print out this sample bid sheet as a template for your excel spreadsheet, or print it out to manually keep track of your bids.
Closing Ceremony Script (PDF)
Use this closing ceremony sample script as a guide for your own Awards Ceremony script and a checklist for what you need to mention during your speech.
Volunteer Assignment Form (PDF)
Use this volunteer assignment form to make sure you have enough volunteers in the right areas of your event.
Need help planning your event?
Golf Digest Planner can make it simple and successful!